Monday, February 16, 2009

Natsume YuuJin Chou 1 & 2 (BooK of Friends)

This anime kind of puts me into Mushishi mode but i don't think it's better than Mushishi BUT i do find it CUTER!!!!! The first season started late 2008 and this introduced us to a fairly quiet kid called Takashi Natsume but the poor kid has been living with a secret. That's it yes HE SEES DEAD PEOPLE, all the time and this has made him a bit of a lonely guy who doesn't have much friends because he talks to people no one else can see. Then, he learns that his deceased grandmother, Reiko also had this strange ability BUT unlike HIM she challenged the spirits and took their names and jotted them in her book which Natsume inherited.

The story itself evolves around Natsume returning the names to the spirits to release them from their contracts contained in the BooK of Friends (oh yeah, thats because if you know the spirits name.....they're BOUND to you and must do what you SAY). He finds a companion in the form of a spirit cat, Nyanko sensei who is a powerful, noble spirit who drinks copious amounts of SAKE, attends lots of parties BUT always keeps his promise to protect Natsume from other spirits who want to either EAT him or steal the Book of Friends.

Nyanko Sensei in his CUTE cat spirit form!!!!!!

The anime itself is very relaxing to watch and is what I would describe as very mellow and enjoyable to watch. But i wouldn't confuse this with boring because while all the stories aren't intertwined it is still very endearing when you watch each story. Also, I like Natsume because even though other humans won't accept his ability to see spirits UNLIKE his grandmother, Reiko he isn't consumed by HATE. Which makes him so SWEET and this sweetness has continued into a second season.

Zoku Natsume Yuujin Chou marks a second chapter in the Book of Friends saga and after watching 3 episodes I can say it hasn't lost any of the cuteness of the first season. So, if you enjoyed season 1 you'll definitely enjoy this next season and Nyanko sensei is as funny as ever.

I have a little trailer of the first season BUT there isn't any talking and all the writing is in Japanese ., what is the use of the trailer...well, i guess it sort of sums up the spirit of this anime.

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