The story is based around the wonderful Saber who is a female servant summoned to assist a weak sorcerer by the name of Shirou Emiya in his quest for the Holy Grail. So if you enjoy fiction and stories about the legend of the Holy Grail then this anime might be intriguing to you---hmmmmmmmm. Still not convinced?
Shirou Emiya comes from a tragic past that is strongly connected to his future!!!! He lost his parents in a fire and was adopted by a sorcerer and although his magical ability is pretty pathetic he makes up for this in HEART. On the fateful night in question he manages to summon Saber Lucky Strike!!!!! Together with Saber he embarks on an adventure to battle with the other contenders for the Holy Grail. Each contender also has a legendary warrior from the past to help them in their battle and they must keep the name of their warrior HIDDEN to lessen their chance of FAILURE.
I would say that it is definitely a worthwhile anime to watch, the story is intriguing although I must say that the first 3 episodes are quite slow paced and full of narrative BUT after these episodes the story gathers momentum. I would say that if you aren't enjoying the story by the 6th episode---well chances are it's not for YOU. But if you like what you see by this point well----CONTINUE TO THE END and you won't be disappointed and the plot, pace and action will keep you entertained.
Here is an AMV Trailer --WATCH---DECIDE and add Fate Stay Night to your anime collection today!!!!!! ^___^
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