Monday, April 13, 2009

Shangri-la is Awesomeness!!!

I had no idea what to expect when I watched this new anime but one thing is for certain, I reckon it's going to be a fantastic anime. I was totally blown away with the quality of the animation to start ----such vibrant colours and the characters were also very colourful especially the cross dressers!!!! I'm sure you can look up what this anime is all about so I will offer what I thought of the first episode.

The story is set in a future where global warming has taken full effect on the planet's composition and Tokyo is no longer the city it was ---NO---it is now a jungle-polis. It has been taken over by greenery and it absorbs carbon dioxide which appears to make it a powerful possession in a world overridden by carbon dioxide!!! This is one of the reasons why I think I'm going to love this anime----i guess i just love science fiction:) The society appears to be split in two being the ones that live in the tower city and the ones that dream of living there. One girl, Kuniko Hojo and her rebel army appear to what to change things and I for one hope they do BUT we have 23 episodes to see if this can be achieved. I hope she can pull it off!!!!!

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