Monday, June 22, 2009

Eve no Jikan: Time of Eve

I totally forgot all about Eve no Jikan and that is probably because the episodes are released like 2 months apart and there are only two more 15 minutes episodes left. But I must say I love Yasuhiro Yoshiura, his work is brilliant!!!! This anime really leaves you thinking and even though it's all science fiction these episodes are thought provoking. What makes us human? Is being born human what defines are humanity and things of this nature. If technology is created and it has the makings of a sentient being shouldn't it be treated as such? Despite looking indistinguishable (except for a halo ring above their head) from a human being the androids are treated as tools---REMARKABLE.

Anyways, I'm digressing but if you love these kind of anime and great animation--you'll love a time of eve--make sure you watch IT!!!!

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