Sunday, June 14, 2009

Anime of the Week: Soul Eater ソウルイーター

If you haven't watched Soul Eater ---you are CRAZY, INSANE and need committing to nearest anime clinic to get your does of 51 episodes like since yesterday. This anime is absolutely awesome and it's so awesome in fact I've already done 3 other posts!!!! So, I'm keeping this one short and sweet. The story evolves around a school with the grim reaper as the Headmaster---he is training an army of shinigami's to rid the earth of evil threats posed by WITCHES. The students are all paired with weapons (who have a human form) and when their soul resonates in harmony together their strength increases. In order to graduate they must collect the souls of 99 evil humans and 1 of a witch BUT graduation isn't so easy. This is the ultimate anime because it has it all---great characters, brilliant action scenes, comedy, nice story and lots and lots of energy as well as fantastic music.

WATCH IT NOW or stay bonkers for the rest of your life!!!!

Trailers AND Music are in my previous posts.

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